Contrasty wall print from Southern Alberta printed on Metallic photo paper

Black & White Printing

GREAT black & white prints available in Lethbridge that are better than darkroom prints for contrast and detail.

More finishing – White Turtle III

Finishing the small things

So doing the initial build was easy, but I am still doing the little finishing that needs to be done.  As mentioned before I hate to preplan the build to far in advance as things seem to change as the build progresses.  So I had a pile of small finishing projects to work on that I managed to get done over the past week.

Several little projects are now done……

Read moreMore finishing – White Turtle III

A trip to Waterton – White Turtle III

Side Tracked

So I thought that I would head out to Waterton yesterday (March 31, 2018) to get some pictures.   On the way there I made a detour to Police lake area to see what was out and about.  WELL there was a lot of snow out and about 🙂 . The main highways were good but the other roads were really covered and as I was getting closer to Police Lake the amount of snow on the roads got a lot deeper.  The best thing about it was that there was hardly anybody on the road except for a few farmers feeding cattle.

Police Lake
East of Police Lake Alberta, lots of fresh snow.

Read moreA trip to Waterton – White Turtle III