Lens focus test chart to test your lenses
Download my free focus test chart, it is free!!! To make sure that your lenses are focusing properly.
Total cost is a piece of paper and some time.
Whether you have a DSLR or mirrorless I recommend testing your lenses. This way you can trouble shoot BEFORE you have issues.
A out of focus lens could be something as simple as a camera or lens setting, sometimes it may be more.

Catch up time – Lens Focus Test
One of the great things about winter in southern Alberta Canada, especially when it is a blizzard, is that I have time to catch up on projects.
I was doing a focus test on my lens and made a video about a way of checking the focus on your lenses (links below)
Now before I go any further let me say not all cameras can do what I am going to describe in that you can adjust the focus yourself. If the focus is really out and you do not have the ability to adjust the focus you will have to send your camera and lens away.
So what is a lens focus check? It is a way to check to see that when your camera says that the image is in focus, and thereby should be sharp, that it is actually in focus and sharp.
This way you know if you have a problem lens and, as mentioned above, some cameras have a menu (micro focus fine adjust) that allows a photographer to make changes to the focus setting without sending the camera or lens away. In the past we would have to bundle up the camera body and lens(es) and send them away to be adjusted.

Should you test your lenses?
I have always checked my lenses to know if they are working correctly. Now with the 70D’s and the 5DMkIV’s not only can I check the focus but I can adjust it.
You only need to adjust the focus if your lenses are really out of focus. Focusing a little more to the back or the front is normal and all lenses are slightly different in this area.
Before making the test chart I would do a simple in field test of the focusing by focusing on something and taking an picture. Then I would put the image on the computer and zoom in on what I focused on. Then I would check to see if what I focused on was sharp and if not what was in focus (in front of the subject or behind). It was simple but it worked.
Now using the focus test chart below you can see exactly how good a lens is and if your lens is out what direction you need to adjust it.
Yesterday I did both tests (my old way and the new way). I have to say that I had the lenses close the old way but when I switched to using the focus chart I was able to nail it.
It was so much faster and VERY accurate. As an extra benefit with using the chart you can adjust your lens to rear focus if you prefer that. I prefer to have my lenses slightly rear focus as I get more keepers that way. This will allow you to set that easily and precisely.
Mirrorless Cameras
I hear constantly from people who have mirrorless cameras that you never have to check your focus because a mirrorless camera is 100% accurate all the time. I do agree that a mirrorless camera uses a completely different way of focusing. This does eliminate a lot of potential problems. BUT it is not 100% foolproof. A lens can still be defective. A camera can be defective. You may have a setting off on the lens or the camera. SO I STILL RECOMMEND checking your lens focus on a regular basis.
Focus Test Chart Links
Watch the video that will walk you through how to use the chart here https://youtu.be/Mn_gwppNh
Here is a link to download a free focus test page http://www.firstchoicephoto.ca/FocusTestChart.pdf
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