Scanning slides, negatives & prints
Scanning slides negatives prints to protect your memories I have been scanning slides, negatives & prints for customers for years. …
Scanning slides negatives prints to protect your memories I have been scanning slides, negatives & prints for customers for years. …
Save yourself some headaches with proper camera battery maintenance!! I decided to write about camera battery maintenance as much for …
Rainy day photography sometimes you cannot get around it Looking at the weather forecast for me for the next couple …
Well for the past couple of weeks I have been busy backing up files and adding a couple new hard drives to the studio / work flow. Funny thing was that when I built my editing computer I thought that having a couple 250GB drives would be fine. Boy how fast do these fill up!! So I have been moving files to external drives.
Lethbridge Galt Museum shoot -Night Photography Lethbridge Galt Museum shoot a perfect place to start shooting. I have been trying …