Lethbridge Journal called asking about photography classes
A number of years ago The Lethbridge Journal did an article on my teaching.
Click here for a large format of the Lethbridge Journal article to read.
I am always amazed at how many people are shocked to know they can take a course on photography.
Years ago the only place that you could get a course was at a university or a college.
I was the first private teacher in southern Alberta. I even had a couple of students tell me that I was the only one they knew about in western Canada.
It seems strange looking at the teachers of today, everyone is a teacher.
If a photographer has shot a couple images they will offer to teach. When I started I was so nervous as I did not know what I would teach. Back then I taught how to shoot film and two hours was a lot of time. Now two hours can barely cover even a simple digital camera.

Looking for a course, hire a professional
If you are looking to take a photography course I strongly recommend that you find somebody that is qualified to teach it. Ask what they have done, how long they’ve been in the industry, and what they are going to teach.
Many of the teachers are just repeating what they’ve heard from other people and they have no experience with what they’re teaching. A lot have only been in the industry for a short time. And some aren’t even involved in the photography industry they are just teachers and have added photography to their list of courses that they will teach.
Taking a course you should have the opportunity to also ask questions. If you’re just standing in front of someone who is rattling off a bunch of information it’s really not a personal course. Make sure that you’ll have a chance to ask the teacher about the information that they are presenting.
In larger groups this may be more difficult but there still should be time for a question and answers.