When you are looking for quality digital printing in Lethbridge First Choice Photo should be your first call. We can look after all your digital printing needs. Operating in Lethbridge for over 37 years we are the ONLY locally owned photolab offering digital printing and darkroom services.
We print photographs and posters from wallet size all the way up to 24 by 72 inches.
We also print fine art greeting cards, and art reproductions on Watercolor and canvas media.

If you’re looking for a few posters we can take care of that as well.
All of our equipment is state of the art with the highest print quality available in the printing industry.
With First Choice Photo you do not need to have large quantity runs to make your printing affordable. We can print one, 10 or 1000 prints for you when you need them on time and on budget.
Printing has come a long way over the years and First Choice Photo has been at the cutting edge of the printing industry for years.
Our prints are rated to last over 150 years. Printed on a wide variety of media from matte, semi matte or luster to metallic and canvas.

With our complete finishing solutions we can take your digital file and deliver to you a printed, laminated, mounted and frame print many times the same day.
If you’re looking for reproduction artwork we are a specialist in that as well. Offering you technology that is available at very few places in the world. We have customers that travel to us from across western Canada, the Northwest Territories even around the US to have their artwork digitized and printed.
If you are a small business and require quality and affordable marketing posters were able to handle that as well. Printing for trade shows and in-house displays. All done with a turnaround time that will help you stay on top of things.
First choice photo also offers in-house archiving of your digital files for future printing. So if you need work done on a regular basis you no longer have to bring in, or send us, your digital files. We’re able to keep them on hand and print as you require. Just another way that we save you time and money in getting your digital printing done in Lethbridge
For more information call today 403-327-1114 or visit our printing website https://www.firstchoicephoto.ca/photo-printing-lethbridge/