It is possible to get GREAT photo prints.

Great photo prints is possible in Lethbridge. The secret is in getting the correct color and density correction.

You can do this on your own computer or you can allow a professional photolab person to do it for you. If you are in Lethbridge and you are looking for a professional, high quality photo lab give me a call. That is what I do.

If you are doing it yourself you NEED to make sure that your monitor is correctly balanced. If your monitor is not balanced correctly you can damage your image and the print you get by over correcting.

No matter what operating system, or what make your computer or monitor is – YOU NEED to adjust it!

*** If you are doing corrections yourself ALWAYS save the corrected image with a different name so if you do ruin the image you can go back to the original. Even if you have a balanced monitor!! You are also best to work with your images by adjusting your images using adjustment layers and save your digital image with the correction layers still active. So in a format like PSD or Tiff is best for saving a file that you may need to adjust at a later date.

Three ways to get great prints……

  1. Get a printed test image and the digital file. Use the test image to adjust your monitor. You have to be careful when doing this but if your aim is to get your monitor closer this can help. It is not a perfect way to color balance a monitor but a lot better than nothing.
Getting great prints with a test image

2. Get a monitor calibration tool. This will professionally balance your monitor and take it to industry color and density standards.

GREAT photo prints in Lethbridge

3. Take your image to a professional lab that will help you adjust your image. A professional lab will have color corrected monitors and trained staff to know how to get the most out of your image. In Lethbridge your best choice for a professional lab is firstchoicephoto

Stay in touch

Paterson Photography / First Choice Photo – Lethbridge Alberta based Full Service Photo lab, Photo Restorations, Photo Courses and Studio & Location Photo Sessions

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Paterson Photography Fine Art Collector Prints – Nature & Wildlife Collector Prints for home and office.  Lethbridge CPR High Level Bridge photos. If you want to support my photo expeditions feel free to purchase a print from the gallery.

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White Turtle Adventures – My mobile office, Cabin and Storage

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Started in 1985 by Mike Paterson. Paterson Photography quickly grew to be one of the leaders in the photography industry in Lethbridge and southern Alberta. Paterson Photography has always been on the cutting edge of the photo business and continues to be so, even today. Offering more than just a standard photography studio.

Printing – One Hour & Custom Printing

In 2002 Mike opened a custom printing division. Catering at first to the advanced amateur and professional photographer as well as many graphic companies around western Canada. Today I also provide photo printing to all level of photographers with my one hour photo lab. Paterson Photography Ltd. is your best choice for custom photo prints in Lethbridge and area. Offering prints from wallets to 24×100 inches on a variety of media. No cheap, poor color poster prints like many places offer. All my printing is done on archival media at the highest resolutions.  I print for individuals, companies and groups that want quality prints that look amazing. Traditional photo lab prints with outstanding quality, better than your discount and drug stores!  If you need a one hour lab or a custom lab give me a call, you will be glad you did!

Digital Photography

The early 90’s found a new trend starting in photography studios, Digital.  Mike wanted to know more about what was happening.  During a business trip to Vancouver Mike had a chance to try one of the first digital studios and was impressed with what he saw.  Spending a lot of time researching digital Mike tried a couple of digital systems to add to his traditional studio.  Dabbling in digital was not enough and in the late 90’s Mike jumped into digital all the way.  Converting his studio to 100% digital in 1999, many years before many even heard of a digital camera.

The jump to digital also opened up a number of other doors for Mike.  Mike was introduced to one of the top Adobe experts in north America and this created a desire to know more about photo restoration and retouching.  Now with Photoshop training at Langara College and numerous courses directly from Adobe, as well as many thousand of hours working on photos Mike is passing on his knowledge to others.   Mike offers courses, not only in Adobe Photoshop, but also in digital photography, studio photography, nature & wildlife and many more areas.  Mike’s teaching has him traveling all over western Canada teaching for some of the largest corporations as well as individuals and groups.