Part 2 Saskatchewan Sand Hills – If you want to visit part 1 click here.
The Saskatchewan sand hills are an amazing place. I enjoy exploring and this is like exploring another country!
Small World – even in Saskatchewan
While I was sitting in the van having some supper a crazy couple pealed into the parking lot in their passenger van 🙂 . The driver got out and was seeing if he needed bug spray before heading out to shoot. As he turned towards me we both said “Mike” at the same time. It was a couple that I knew from Lethbridge that had moved to Calgary a number of years ago and they were stopping there for the night to shoot. When you consider the size of Canada running into someone in a remote part of Saskatchewan is weird! I have to say that the sand hills do seem to be a popular place considering how remote it is!!
Saskatchewan sand hills pictures
As for the pictures you will find lots of photographic opportunities if you look. The dunes themselves, the animals and the stars all make for some great photo opportunities. If you can stay for an entire day I would recommend it. Best if you can get there first thing in the morning even before sunrise and stay till after dark. The place is amazing.
So did I enjoy the trip? YES!!! A perfect trip to Saskatchewan that got three photo subjects off the bucket list: The Saskatchewan Sand Dunes, Common Nighthawk and the Thirteen-lined ground squirrel. The last two I did not even know were on the list till I saw them 🙂
Should you go Saskatchewan sand hills???
Do I recommend you head there? YOU BET!!! It gave me the feeling of being in Africa without leaving Canada. Really helped having a van from France parked there! The sand blowing, the dryness, the life in the dunes, everything.
Would I go again? Yes. I will try and make it when it is a little cooler. The heat was not horrible but cooler and I think I would see more animals and bugs to photograph. If you have a day or two I would recommend the drive!!!
The van
So how did the White Turtle III work out? AMAZING!!! Was so nice to have some cold pop and water to drink and a comfortable place to sleep. Had enough food for several days and with well over a half tank of fuel I could hang out for a few days with no problem. On the sand road leading south from the parking lot I had to engage the limited slip differential as it got soft really fast. I had lots of power in the battery the next day but I think I may add a second battery or bring the 4 – 6 volt batteries from the camper. Not sure what my power needs will be in the winter with the furnace running. Was glad I did not take the bigger motor home as the roads were tricky at the best of times, very narrow and lots of torn up parts. The van handled them perfectly!