A new Lethbridge City Hall – the build
The building of the Lethbridge City Hall is another event that I wish I would have taken the time to photograph a lot more. Here are a couple photos from when it was under construction.
Back when they were building I was working for the Lethbridge Herald as a photographer. I traveled the route from my studio to the Herald many times passing the building as it was constructed.
Unfortunately it always seemed that when the light was the best I did not have the time. When I had the time the light was not cooperating. Planning for a perfect shoot of the build just never worked out.
Like the saying goes never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
I do like the new city hall and the look of it. At the rate that the city is growing they will probably need more space soon so I will be sure to take more pictures if they end up expanding the building!

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