Digital Poster Prints

Digital poster prints are today’s way to get AMAZING posters. Posters have come a long way from years past.

Would you like a fun gift for family or friends? Perfect for Christmas, Anniversaries, Birthdays, retirement parties, weddings and so much more.

NO MORE do you need to settle for faded, blurry and pixelated posters.

Poster prints Lethbridge
Poster Prints for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and more

PLUS you don’t have to pay a fortune for a print shop to run off one poster.

We can print one poster, 10 posters or 100 in as little as one day and the quality is AMAZING!!

Poster Prints Lethbridge

Trade Show Posters Lethbridge, Poster printing, digital prints, Lethbridge print shop
Mountain Mikes Woodworking – Trade Show Digital Poster Prints

When you are looking for poster prints in Lethbridge I am the first choice and the only choice.

Posters printed any size you can imagine up to 24″ x 60″ If you want something more durable than just a piece of paper I can laminate your poster for you.

Or I can also laminate and mount your digital poster prints so they look AMAZING and will be displayable in an easel.

Poster prints are a great idea for using at birthdays, weddings, graduations, anniversary, funerals, trade shows, art shows, home and garden shows and more. Posters are also great to give as a gift.

Wall posters Lethbridge

Remember days long ago when you could not wait for the new poster to come out of your favorite band or that movie star that you were in love with? Now you can make your own poster for fun or for a gift!

Digital poster prints, Poster prints near me, Lethbridge, Print shop
Trade show marketing material – Poster prints in Lethbridge

Posters are printed in Lethbridge in a professional print lab. You can order 1 print or 10. Prints can be done in as little as an hour depending on work load and options.

When you are looking for digital poster prints near me I am again your choice.

Customize your digital poster prints

I can add text to your posters, complete layout services and more.

Posters can be ordered on-line. Next day delivery is also available in Lethbridge, Coaldale and Coalhurst.

Trade show poster prints will help your booth stand out. High quality and durable prints that will last for years.

Photography / First Choice Photo

Lethbridge Alberta based Full Service Photo lab, Photo Restorations, Photo Courses and Studio & Location Photo Sessions

First Choice Photo Web Site

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First Choice Photo YouTube

Who am I??

Paterson Photography was started in 1985 by Mike Paterson. It quickly grew to be a leader in the photography industry in Lethbridge and across southern Alberta. Delivering amazing service and products.  Paterson Photography Ltd has always been on the cutting edge of the photo industry and continues to be today.

Experience & equipment to handle the job

I have over 36 years of photographic printing experience this allows me to deliver the best quality image each and every time you order from me. In addition to my years of experience and training I only use the newest state of the art archival printers, ink and paper. My clients come from all over western Canada. They are found the quality photo printing and exceptional service they were looking for right here in Lethbridge!. My clients are individuals and graphic designers. Lawyers and businesses. Photography studios and nature and wildlife photographers. Manufacturers and architects.

The top print houses around the world use the same printers and paper that I use in my studio in Lethbridge. Museums and fine art collectors around the world also use the same equipment that I use to deliver a professional quality image on an assortment of archival photo media. 

From traditional luster paper, to a true matte photo paper I have a surface that will make your images look amazing. I also have high gloss photo paper, metallic paper, fine art paper or top of the line canvas I carry all the media to meet your needs and requirements.